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Our Team

I used to walk to school with my nose buried in a book.
- Coolio
Steven Hutson          OWNER AND LITERARY AGENT                             


I was born and raised in Los Angeles, between Route 66 and Hollywood Boulevard. I wrote poems, articles, business letters, advertising copy, and lame excuses. Like most writers, I kept a day job; in-between gigs I found gainful employment as a clerk typist, vitamin buyer, waiter, forklift operator, lifeguard, bookkeeper, grocery manager, printer's apprentice, and meat cutter. Oh, and I went to college for a while with a major in business.


But the muse didn't give up on me, and in time I had a couple of books  published. One thing led to another; I edited dozens of books for others and managed a writers’ conference for several years, making many valuable contacts along the way. I've mentored hundreds of aspiring authors, and I speak often at writers' events. Swimming, gardening, and cooking keep my hands busy in-between. I live in sunny Southern California with my wife Ruth and son Bradley. 


What I'm looking for: I'm interested in representing a wide range of fiction and
nonfiction books for children and adults. Surprise me.

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Dave Fessenden          ASSOCIATE LITERARY AGENT                                  


After 30 years of experience in writing and editing, I took the plunge into independent consulting. I have degrees in journalism and theology, served in editorial management positions for Christian book publishers, and was regional editor for the largest Protestant weekly newspaper in the country. I am the author of seven books; I’ve written hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles, and edited numerous books for others. I am a frequent speaker at writers’ conferences. In 2011 I compiled my experience in publishing to produce Writing the Christian Nonfiction Book: Concept to Contract, published by SonFire Media.


My first novel, The Case of the Exploding Speakeasy, came out in 2013 through Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. It reflects my love for history and for the Sherlock Holmes stories of Arthur Conan-Doyle. My wife, Jacque, and I live in south-central Pennsylvania and have two adult sons.


What I'm looking for: I'm interested in representing Science fiction, Fantasy, Historical fiction, Theology, Bible studies, Professional, Church Issues, Social/Cultural Issues, Career, Reference

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Michelle S. Lazurek          ASSOCIATE LITERARY AGENT         

In 2009, I felt a calling on my life to start writing. Apart from some poems in high school, I had never written anything before. As I studied and wrote down my thoughts, I soon published my first book. Today, with nine titles in print and hundreds of articles (and a few awards along the way), I teach aspiring authors at writers' conferences. Now I get the privilege to journey with them more closely, and help them achieve their dreams. I have a Master of Arts in Counseling and Human Relations from Liberty University. 


When not occupied with literary pursuits, you can find me sipping a hot latte at Starbucks, reading a good book, or collecting records from the 1980s and 90s. I live in Pennsylvania with my husband, two children and our crazy dog, Cookie.


What I'm looking for: I'm interested in representing Christian nonfiction for adults. Please no memoir or fiction. 

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Ruth Hutson          ADMINISTRATOR & EDITOR


Hello, I'm the WordWise administrator. No matter what type of service you seek from our staff, chances are that I will be involved in one way or another, and you'll be hearing from me. I've always enjoyed reading and writing, but like Steve, I had to put off those dreams for years to work for a living.


Remember the 1980s TV comedy Scarecrow & Mrs. King?  Well, I won an honorable mention in a contest (sponsored by Reader's Digest) to write an episode for the show. 


I'm not an agent, so please don't send me your submissions.

CLARK ROGERS, 1928 - 2017                     AN APPRECIATION 

We are greatly indebted to the vision and generosity of Ruth's father. Clark was an early believer (and investor) in our little enterprise. During his long tenure as a design engineer at McDonnell Douglas Corp. in Long Beach, he helped to design the flight controls on the DC-10 jumbo jet and the landing gear for the US Navy's T-45 fighter jet trainer. (Plus, a few projects he couldn't talk about.)

        The silhouetted figure in our company logo was designed by Gina McIntyre Graham

©  2005 - 2025, WordWise Media Services. All Rights Reserved. 

Member, American Association of Literary Agents

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