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Michelle's Topics

What's another word for “thesaurus?”
- Steven Wright


Twelve Questions to Ask when creating character profiles. Have a great character in mind for your next children’s book, short story, or YA novel, but don’t know how to start creating one? In this interactive workshop, you will learn create a dynamic main character that will help jump start your next writing project.


From Conference to Contract: Turning Your Onesheet into a Stellar Proposal. You’ve gone to the workshops. You’ve met with publishers. They’ve shown interest in your book. So now what? Learn the five essential elements to flesh out your book idea and turn it into a proposal that captures a publisher’s attention. You will leave this class with the resources needed to create a proposal worthy of submission to agents and publishers.

So You Wanna Be an Author: The Ins and Outs of Publishing. You’ve come to a writers’ conference hoping to realize your dream of being a published author. But where do you start? Take a journey through the process of publishing a book from beginning to end. At the end of the workshop, you will have the practical tips and resources you need to write, edit and publish a book of your own.

Writing Children's Bible Studies. The statistics are staggering: Millennials are leaving the church. How do we as believers teach the next generation in ways that reach their culture without sounding preachy or irrelevant? In this interactive workshop, you will learn strategies to communicate the reality of a never-changing God to an ever-changing world. Michelle will choose one attendee to read their work aloud and critique it so that everyone will come away with personal feedback on how to create engaging and uplifting content, while staying true to the Bible’s teachings. Attendees are asked to bring a sample of their Bible study to class (if they have one) so they can tweak their work during class.

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Member, American Association of Literary Agents

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